The PTEA aims, among other things, to be the voice from the point of view of promoting R&D&I in the Water Sector and aims to increase the membership base so that the PTEA better represents the whole sector. In very general terms, being a member of the platform allows:
- To form part of an association whose main objective is the promotion of R&D&I in the Water Sector, supported by the administrations that form part of its board of directors (Directorate General for Water, CDTI and AEI).
- To have a voice at national and European level, mainly through our Strategic R&D&I Agenda.
- To be able to participate in the technological exchange forum that we are implementing with the multinational company Isle.
- To be informed of the latest news in the sector, calls for proposals/aid related to R&D&I, mobilisation of partner searches, …
- To publish in the magazine of the Spanish Water Technology Platform, IDiAgua.
- Publicise the partner’s activity through our dissemination channels (website, social networks, monthly newsletter, press releases, mailing, events, …).
- Participate in the technical working groups, in which topics such as the updating of the Strategic Agenda, formation of consortia for project proposals, exchange of ideas on current issues, etc. will be discussed.
- Obtain letters of support for your project proposals, as long as they are aligned with our Strategic Agenda.
- Get first-hand knowledge of the events organised by the platform, mainly oriented to inform about the current R&D&I funding possibilities, as is currently the informative monitoring we are doing of the Water PERTE.